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Health benefites of using copper pipes

05 Jun 2023 01:06 reported by Tisco


What is so good about that metal that it is the preferred material for pipes?

Not only is copper great for electric wires, but there are several surprising health benefits of using copper pipes that you should know about. 


Simply put, copper will not leak chemicals into your water supply. Your water will not be at risk of gaining harmful chemicals or substances that can cause health problems. In the past, pipes were made of lead and other poisonous metals that actually caused a major health crisis in the U.S. Now that lead has been banned, it’s a good thing that research has found copper to be a much more suitable material for safe water pipes.


Rust is one of the top concerns that plumbers have when deciding what kind of pipes to install under your home. When it comes to water pipes, it is naturally a good idea to have something that can resist rust. Otherwise, the pipes will only last for a very short time and will have to be replaced, which causes a lot of wasted time and money.

Copper cannot rust because it does not contain iron. It is also very difficult to corrode. While it is technically possible for copper to corrode, it takes a lot more to corrode a copper pipe than it does with other types of metals. This is why copper pipes can last for decades on end.


Copper is far more ductile than many other metals. This means it can be bent, folded, or shaped into whatever type of pipe needs to be made. Bending copper pipes does not destroy the structural strength of the pipe, nor does it cause any cracks or breaks in the copper. Of course, any great amount of stress will break copper, just as it will break anything, but aside from abnormal wear and tear, copper is incredibly durable to this effect. This is an added benefit to your health as it is much less likely that your pipes will break and leak toxic materials into your home.


Not only will copper not allow any harmful chemicals to be leeched into your water system, but along the way, it also kills harmful bacteria. Copper is an antimicrobial material that immediately kills viruses, bacteria strains, and harmful microbes the second they come in contact with the metal. Not only will it keep bad substances out of your water, but it lowers the risk of the spread of illness altogether.

Contact us to purchase your copper pipe as the best choice!

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